
In guten Händen

Sind Kältemaschinen, Klimageräte oder Grosswärmepumpen der CTA einmal installiert und in Betrieb, so kümmert sich unser Service-Team darum, dass sie über Jahre einwandfrei und optimal laufen. Erfahren Sie hier mehr über unsere Serviceverträge - vom Regie- über den Pauschalwartungsvertrag bis hin zum Rundum-Schutz CTAprotect mit Garantieverlängerung.

Wartungsverträge und Garantieverlängerungen für Kältemaschinen, Klimageräte und Grosswärmepumpen

Eine regelmässige Wartung trägt zu einem störungsfreien Betrieb bei, verlängert die Lebensdauer der Anlage und senkt die Instandhaltungskosten. Deshalb bieten wir Ihnen für alle von uns gelieferten kältemittelführenden Anlagen individuell zugeschnittene Wartungsverträge an.

Ob Regiewartungsvertrag, Pauschalwartungsvertrag oder unser bewährter Rundum-Schutz CTAprotect mit Garantieverlängerung auf bis zu 15 Jahre ab Inbetriebnahme - wir beraten Sie gerne.


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Übersicht Wartungsvertragsmodelle Klima/Kälte

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Ihre Ansprechsperson für Serviceverträge und Garantieverlängerungen

Sascha Aeschbacher-Hefti DSC0458_1000x667

Sascha Aeschbacher-Hefti

Sales Representative System Maintenance


+41 31 720 10 22


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+41 31 720 10 00

Unsere Klima/Kälte Referenzen

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Replacement system

Bespoke cooling solutions pay off

In addition to high-quality and financially attractive standard solutions, CTA offers its customers custom refrigeration systems that meet special requirements (capacity, regulation, installation, etc.). Although they are more expensive to purchase, they often promise savings in energy costs. And it shows: despite higher investment costs, custom refrigeration solutions are not necessarily more expensive than standard machines over their entire service life.

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The art of replacing systems

A leading Swiss luxury watch company replaced the refrigeration system at its headquarters after 14 years. Particularly challenging: the placement.

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RZ_Deutschschweiz (5)

New building

Safe and climate-friendly – Chillers with NH₃ for data centres

Their high safety standards make ammonia chillers a reliable and safe solution for cooling data centres. The example of a redundantly designed cooling system for a regional data centre operator shows that high performance and energy efficiency go hand in hand.

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Sustainable energy supply for historic building

The site of today’s industrial park “The Valley” is located where the legendary Maggi stock cubes were once produced. From autumn 2023, the historic buildings will be sustainably heated and cooled using energy from the air. The key components are four custom-made, reversible chillers/industrial heat pumps.

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Indoor CBD hemp facility, Nunningen

Complex cooling control for cannabis products

The professional indoor production of CBD hemp flowers requires the precise regulation of temperature and humidity. LMP GmbH in Nunningen therefore uses CTA’s cooling control system. This ensures an optimal climate, day and night, while cooling and dehumidifying the rooms simultaneously.

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Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) air conditioning

Air-conditioned lightvessel

The “Gannet” once served as a lightvessel. Today, it contributes to Basel’s cultural heritage as an event location. CTA was called on to supply the VRF air conditioning unit and thus provide pleasant temperatures inside the ship all year round.

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Split air-conditioning units

VOI Cubes – Shop at any time

Shop whenever you want - this is what VOI Cubes, a Migros Aare pilot project, are offering. These walk-in vending machines are air-conditioned using CTA split air conditioning units.

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Heat for sustainable shrimp farming

With a CTAexklusiv industrial heat pump, the energy supplier AEW Energie AG uses the waste heat from salt production at the Riburg salt mine for the Rheinfelden Rüchi heating network. A major consumer of the heat is the nearby SwissShrimp AG shrimp farm.

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1.2 MW

Propane chillers, each with a 1.2 MW cooling output

Natural refrigerants are on the rise. Whereas ammonia has to date been the main compound used in megawatt refrigeration systems, propane is now also making inroads into the higher-performance segment. This is underlined by the expansion of the energy centre at the Stuecki-Areal in Basel to include two propane refrigeration systems from CTA, each with a cooling capacity of 1.2 MW.

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CTA Fachpartner Klimageräte


Air conditioning devices artistically integrated into the space

In the exquisite offices of the architectural firm of Comina in Zermatt, an artist paints a suitable imitation wood effect on each ceiling-mounted unit. In this way, the air conditioning units ensure the right temperature for this elegant atmosphere.

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CTA AG Familie Spontanbewerbung

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