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Hunzigenstrasse 2

3110 Münsingen

Tel.: +41 31 720 10 00

Mail: info@cta.ch

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8047 Zürich

Tel.: +41 44 405 40 00

Mail: cta.zuerich@cta.ch

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En Budron B2

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Tel.: +41 21 654 99 00

Mail: cta.lausanne@cta.ch

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4573 Lohn-Ammannsegg

Tel.: +41 32 677 04 50

Mail: info@cta.ch

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Mail: info@cta.ch

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Mail: info@cta.ch

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9240 Uzwil

Tel.: +41 71 951 40 30

Mail: cta.waermeost@cta.ch

Site partner:

CTA Energy Systems Ltd.
Solutions for uninterruptible power supply
Hunzigenstrasse 2
3110 Münsingen
Tel.: +41 31 720 15 50
Web: www.usv.ch


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