A good solution in the Alpine region

To generate sustainable energy and heat, the Hotel Grimsel Passhöhe relies on an air/water source heat pump from CTA, which operates using power from the hotel’s own roof-mounted photovoltaic system and thus uses virtually 100 percent of the heat from renewable energies.

In brief

  • Two Aeroheat CS air source heat pumps

  • 200 m2 photovoltaic system with a 30 kWp output

  • Hotel with 15 rooms (mainly summer operation)

  • Virtually self-sufficient energy supply at 2,164 m above sea level

A good solution in the Alpine region

To generate sustainable energy and heat, the Hotel Grimsel Passhöhe relies on an air/water source heat pump from CTA, which operates using power from the hotel’s own roof-mounted photovoltaic system and thus uses virtually 100 percent of the heat from renewable energies.

Awoken from slumber

At the top of the Grimsel Pass, at 2,164 metres above sea level, stands the Hotel Grimsel Passhöhe. Following a long period of “slumber”, it was given a new lease of life during the summer of 2018. The new owners have spared no expense and created a gem of a tourist destination that, during summer when the pass is open, attracts many guests. A sun terrace offers space for 170 people, with views of the dreamlike mountain and lakeside scenery. In addition, the hotel has 15 contemporary rooms.

Hidden from the guests but unwittingly perceptible

Beneath the façade of the ornate mountain hotel, a lot has been done as part of the complete renovation works. These measures, hidden from the guests, ensure everyone feels at ease here. Excellent wall and ceiling insulation has made it possible to reduce heating energy requirements significantly. This made it possible to use an environmentally and climate-friendly heat pump heating system: The internal Aeroheat air/water source heat pump from CTA heats the entire hotel using its 24 kW heating output.

The air/water source heat pumps, both installed in the basement.

Sun and air as an energy source

A 200 m2 photovoltaic (PV) system produces the energy required for the heat pump. This is installed on the roof and delivers an output of 30 kWp. The PV system is so effective that the hotel generates virtually all its own power. The sophisticated control system switches the heat pump on when there is too much solar power. If there is no immediate demand for heat, the heat is temporarily stored in a large heat accumulator and used during times when there is demand for heat and no sun.

Perfect for summer in the mountains

In the Alpine region especially, the synergy between solar power and heat pumps is also a promising combination for a supply of energy and heat that is as environmentally friendly as it is economical. They are also perfectly suited to catering and hotel businesses, which—like the Hotel Grimsel Passhöhe—are mainly geared towards summer month operations. Unfortunately, however, groundwater or geothermal probes are often not suitable as an energy source in rocky, Alpine regions. In such regions, air/water source heat pumps are efficient, economical, and green solutions for dedicated businesses. The Hotel Grimsel Passhöhe owes its novel heating solution not least to the know-how of its new owners, as Walter Brog, together with his company Esotec, builds autonomous and sustainable power and water solutions for mountain homes and Swiss Alpin Club (SAC) huts. This experience was incorporated into the design and implementation of the heating solution for the Hotel Grimsel.

Tried and tested heat pump

The Aeroheat CS air/water source heat pump is used. This heat pump has been tried and tested in many family homes and apartment buildings. Depending on the required output, several units can be interconnected.


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