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Heat pump costs

The heat pump is not only the most environmentally-friendly form of heating, but also the most economical on the market. Although relatively expensive to buy, it is ultimately profitable thanks to the subsidies and tax benefits associated with its installation, as well as its low running costs.

Financial benefits of a heat pump


Free energy from the environment


Independence from fluctuations in oil or gas prices


Reduced operating and maintenance costs


Subsidies and tax deductions


The most advantageous heating system in the long term

The total cost of a heating system


The cost calculation for all heating solutions is made up of investment costs and operating costs. The investment costs of a heat pump include the purchase price of the heat pump, accessories such as the water heater and pump, servicing, for example by drilling geothermal probes, and installation. Operating costs include maintenance and the cost of energy, or more simply, all the costs that arise after commissioning.

Luft-wasser waermepumpen

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Comparison of heat pumps


While the investment costs of a heat pump are higher than those of fossil heating systems, the maintenance and energy costs are significantly lower. The main reason for this is that heat pumps work largely with free energy from the air, ground or water. Heat pumps also require less maintenance. A heat pump is therefore a little more expensive in the short term, but is financially advantageous in the medium and long term.

Cost differences between heat pumps

If we compare an air-source heat pump and a ground-source heat pump, we quickly see that the costs also vary between the heat pumps. For example, the air-to-air heat pump is quick and easy to install, and therefore associated with low one-off investment costs. On the other hand, energy costs, i.e. electricity costs, are higher than for a ground source heat pump. A ground-source heat pump is more expensive to buy, but it's money well spent in the long term: the heating is highly energy-efficient and the energy costs are low. Over time, no system will provide you with heating as economically as geothermal energy. Use our heating calculator to compare the costs of different types of heat pump.

Questions about heat pump costs

Our references

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Groundwater Heat Pump in a Single-Family Home

There is a large groundwater reserve of extremely high quality in the Aare Valley, between Thun and Bern. Part of the Münsingen community is built on this groundwater area. One neighbourhood in this community features a single-family home that uses the energy from this groundwater for heating.



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