Air source heat pump for an apartment house

The new, quiet, high-performance heat pump from CTA is an ideal fit for the linear architectural style of this new apartment house with view over Lake Thun.
Le nouvel immeuble d'habitation avec la pompe à chaleur à air à droite de l'entrée.

The new apartment building with the air source heat pump next to the entrance on the right.

The new apartment house with the air source heat pump to the right of the entrance. The new apartment house on Lake Thun says it all: A linear design and beautiful detailing were important to the constructor. The latest heat pump from the CTA quality factory in Münsingen is a perfect fit. On account of the aesthetics, an interior heat pump on the side of the building was initially envisioned. Because of the flood risk, this idea was discarded later, though. In the event of a flood, water from the nearby stream would have flowed through the air vents into the basement.

Quiet, compact, urban compatibility

Despite its power output of up to 25 kW, this heat pump is extremely quiet – and therefore ideal for urban settings and wherever space is limited. On this site, the compact heat pump supplies heat to seven residential units. It also uses energy from the ambient air to generate warm water. Furthermore, the apartments are equipped with controlled residential ventilation.

Roger Kaufmann
Roger Kaufmann,Heat pump advisor

Quiet, compact, urban compatibility

Despite its power output of up to 25 kW, this heat pump is extremely quiet – and therefore ideal for urban settings and wherever space is limited.

Cost-effective and efficient

Aeroheat Inverta SCI is an inverter-controlled heat pump whose operation continuously and seamlessly adapts to current heating requirements. This means the heat pump is extremely energy efficient, resulting in lower operating costs and even greener operation. This is further enhanced by the use of small amounts of the more climate-friendly R-32 refrigerant. The unit outputs between 8.7 and 25 kW of heat and has a coefficient of performance (COP) of 4.1 (at operating point A2/W35). The sound pressure level of the external unit is an extremely quiet 49 dB(A). The double-insulated interior unit is as quiet as a domestic fridge (39 dB(A)). The low-energy model is suitable for new builds and renovations.


The heat pump on site

  • Aeroheat Inverta SCI (AH SCI 25a) air/water source heat pump

  • For new builds and heating system replacement

  • Quiet operation

  • Extremely energy efficient

  • Space-saving, compact design

  • Heat output range (product range): 8.7 - 25.1 kW

  • Further info 

Quiet, compact, and with max. 25 kW of heat output: Heat pump Aeroheat Inverta SCI.

Two types of air source heat pump

Air source heat pumps are installed on building exteriors or interiors. External units have a pipe that leads to the inside. Internal units require two air ducts: One to draw in the air, and another to release it back into the environment.
More on heat pump types

In safe hands

Choosing a CTA heat pump means to opt for a high-quality, durable product. Even though heat pumps are generally considered low-maintenance, regular servicing and checks are required to maintain their perfect and low-cost performance in the long run. For newly installed heat pumps, experts recommend taking out an extended “CTAplus” warranty for comprehensive cover for up to 12 years from commissioning. Another option or a feasible follow-up on “CTAplus” is the flat-rate service contract our family-run company with Swiss-based production facilities offers for all heat pumps.
More on our service


  • Installation: Adolf Krebs AG, Thun

  • Design: H + K Planungs AG, Thun

  • Heat pump supplier: CTA AG, Münsingen


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